Monday, September 30, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixty-one

Daenerys When the battle was done, Dany rode her silver through the fields of the dead. Her handmaids and the men of her khas came after, smiling and jesting among themselves. Dothraki hooves had torn the earth and trampled the rye and lentils into the ground, while arakhs and arrows had sown a terrible new crop and watered it with blood. Dying horses lifted their heads and screamed at her as she rode past. Wounded men moaned and prayed. Jaqqa rhan moved among them, the mercy men with their heavy axes, taking a harvest of heads from the dead and dying alike. After them would scurry a flock of small girls, pulling arrows from the corpses to fill their baskets. Last of all the dogs would come sniffing, lean and hungry, the feral pack that was never far behind the khalasar. The sheep had been dead longest. There seemed to be thousands of them, black with flies, arrow shafts bristling from each carcass. Khal Ogo's riders had done that, Dany knew; no man of Drogo's khalasar would be such a fool as to waste his arrows on sheep when there were shepherds yet to kill. The town was afire, black plumes of smoke roiling and tumbling as they rose into a hard blue sky. Beneath broken walls of dried mud, riders galloped back and forth, swinging their long whips as they herded the survivors from the smoking rubble. The women and children of Ogo's khalasar walked with a sullen pride, even in defeat and bondage; they were slaves now, but they seemed not to fear it. It was different with the townsfolk. Dany pitied them; she remembered what terror felt like. Mothers stumbled along with blank, dead faces, pulling sobbing children by the hand. There were only a few men among them, cripples and cowards and grandfathers. Ser Jorah said the people of this country named themselves the Lhazareen, but the Dothraki called them haesh rakhi, the Lamb Men. Once Dany might have taken them for Dothraki, for they had the same copper skin and almond-shaped eyes. Now they looked alien to her, squat and flat-faced, their black hair cropped unnaturally short. They were herders of sheep and eaters of vegetables, and Khal Drogo said they belonged south of the river bend. The grass of the Dothraki sea was not meant for sheep. Dany saw one boy bolt and run for the river. A rider cut him off and turned him, and the others boxed him in, cracking their whips in his face, running him this way and that. One galloped behind him, lashing him across the buttocks until his thighs ran red with blood. Another snared his ankle with a lash and sent him sprawling. Finally, when the boy could only crawl, they grew bored of the sport and put an arrow through his back. Ser Jorah met her outside the shattered gate. He wore a dark green surcoat over his mail. His gauntlets, greaves, and greathelm were dark grey steel. The Dothraki had mocked him for a coward when he donned his armor, but the knight had spit insults right back in their teeth, tempers had flared, longsword had clashed with arakh, and the rider whose taunts had been loudest had been left behind to bleed to death. Ser Jorah lifted the visor of his flat-topped greathelm as he rode up. â€Å"Your lord husband awaits you within the town.† â€Å"Drogo took no harm?† â€Å"A few cuts,† Ser Jorah answered, â€Å"nothing of consequence. He slew two khals this day. Khal Ogo first, and then the son, Fogo, who became khal when Ogo fell. His bloodriders cut the bells from their hair, and now Khal Drogo's every step rings louder than before.† Ogo and his son had shared the high bench with her lord husband at the naming feast where Viserys had been crowned, but that was in Vaes Dothrak, beneath the Mother of Mountains, where every rider was a brother and all quarrels were put aside. It was different out in the grass. Ogo's khalasar had been attacking the town when Khal Drogo caught him. She wondered what the Lamb Men had thought, when they first saw the dust of their horses from atop those cracked-mud walls. Perhaps a few, the younger and more foolish who still believed that the gods heard the prayers of desperate men, took it for deliverance. Across the road, a girl no older than Dany was sobbing in a high thin voice as a rider shoved her over a pile of corpses, facedown, and thrust himself inside her. Other riders dismounted to take their turns. That was the sort of deliverance the Dothraki brought the Lamb Men. I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself as she turned her face away. She pressed her lips together and hardened her heart and rode on toward the gate. â€Å"Most of Ogo's riders fled,† Ser Jorah was saying. â€Å"Still, there may be as many as ten thousand captives.† Slaves, Dany thought. Khal Drogo would drive them downriver to one of the towns on Slaver's Bay. She wanted to cry, but she told herself that she must be strong. This is war, this is what it looks like, this is the price of the Iron Throne. â€Å"I've told the khal he ought to make for Meereen,† Ser Jorah said. â€Å"They'll pay a better price than he'd get from a slaving caravan. Illyrio writes that they had a plague last year, so the brothels are paying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten. If enough children survive the journey, the gold will buy us all the ships we need, and hire men to sail them.† Behind them, the girl being raped made a heartrending sound, a long sobbing wail that went on and on and on. Dany's hand clenched hard around the reins, and she turned the silver's head. â€Å"Make them stop,† she commanded Ser Jorah. â€Å"Khaleesi?† The knight sounded perplexed. â€Å"You heard my words,† she said. â€Å"Stop them.† She spoke to her khas in the harsh accents of Dothraki. â€Å"Jhogo, Quaro, you will aid Ser Jorah. I want no rape.† The warriors exchanged a baffled look. Jorah Mormont spurred his horse closer. â€Å"Princess,† he said, â€Å"you have a gentle heart, but you do not understand. This is how it has always been. Those men have shed blood for the khal. Now they claim their reward.† Across the road, the girl was still crying, her high singsong tongue strange to Dany's ears. The first man was done with her now, and a second had taken his place. â€Å"She is a lamb girl,† Quaro said in Dothraki. â€Å"She is nothing, Khaleesi. The riders do her honor. The Lamb Men lay with sheep, it is known.† â€Å"It is known,† her handmaid Irri echoed. â€Å"It is known,† agreed Jhogo, astride the tall grey stallion that Drogo had given him. â€Å"If her wailing offends your ears, Khaleesi, Jhogo will bring you her tongue.† He drew his arakh. â€Å"I will not have her harmed,† Dany said. â€Å"I claim her. Do as I command you, or Khal Drogo will know the reason why.† â€Å"Ai, Khaleesi,† Jhogo replied, kicking his horse. Quaro and the others followed his lead, the bells in their hair chiming. â€Å"Go with them,† she commanded Ser Jorah. â€Å"As you command.† The knight gave her a curious look. â€Å"You are your brother's sister, in truth.† â€Å"Viserys?† She did not understand. â€Å"No,† he answered. â€Å"Rhaegar.† He galloped off. Dany heard Jhogo shout. The rapers laughed at him. One man shouted back. Jhogo's arakh flashed, and the man's head went tumbling from his shoulders. Laughter turned to curses as the horsemen reached for weapons, but by then Quaro and Aggo and Rakharo were there. She saw Aggo point across the road to where she sat upon her silver. The riders looked at her with cold black eyes. One spat. The others scattered to their mounts, muttering. All the while the man atop the lamb girl continued to plunge in and out of her, so intent on his pleasure that he seemed unaware of what was going on around him. Ser Jorah dismounted and wrenched him off with a mailed hand. The Dothraki went sprawling in the mud, bounced up with a knife in hand, and died with Aggo's arrow through his throat. Mormont pulled the girl off the pile of corpses and wrapped her in his blood-spattered cloak. He led her across the road to Dany. â€Å"What do you want done with her?† The girl was trembling, her eyes wide and vague. Her hair was matted with blood. â€Å"Doreah, see to her hurts. You do not have a rider's look, perhaps she will not fear you. The rest, with me.† She urged the silver through the broken wooden gate. It was worse inside the town. Many of the houses were afire, and the jaqqa rhan had been about their grisly work. Headless corpses filled the narrow, twisty lanes. They passed other women being raped. Each time Dany reined up, sent her khas to make an end to it, and claimed the victim as slave. One of them, a thick-bodied, flat-nosed woman of forty years, blessed Dany haltingly in the Common Tongue, but from the others she got only flat black stares. They were suspicious of her, she realized with sadness; afraid that she had saved them for some worse fate. â€Å"You cannot claim them all, child,† Ser Jorah said, the fourth time they stopped, while the warriors of her khas herded her new slaves behind her. â€Å"I am khaleesi, heir to the Seven Kingdoms, the blood of the dragon,† Dany reminded him. â€Å"It is not for you to tell me what I cannot do.† Across the city, a building collapsed in a great gout of fire and smoke, and she heard distant screams and the wailing of frightened children. They found Khal Drogo seated before a square windowless temple with thick mud walls and a bulbous dome like some immense brown onion. Beside him was a pile of heads taller than he was. One of the short arrows of the Lamb Men stuck through the meat of his upper arm, and blood covered the left side of his bare chest like a splash of paint. His three bloodriders were with him. Jhiqui helped Dany dismount; she had grown clumsy as her belly grew larger and heavier. She knelt before the khal. â€Å"My sun-and-stars is wounded.† The arakh cut was wide but shallow; his left nipple was gone, and a flap of bloody flesh and skin dangled from his chest like a wet rag. â€Å"Is scratch, moon of life, from arakh of one bloodrider to Khal Ogo,† Khal Drogo said in the Common Tongue. â€Å"I kill him for it, and Ogo too.† He turned his head, the bells in his braid ringing softly. â€Å"Is Ogo you hear, and Fogo his khalakka, who was khal when I slew him.† â€Å"No man can stand before the sun of my life,† Dany said, â€Å"the father of the stallion who mounts the world.† A mounted warrior rode up and vaulted from his saddle. He spoke to Haggo, a stream of angry Dothraki too fast for Dany to understand. The huge bloodrider gave her a heavy look before he turned to his khal â€Å"This one is Mago, who rides in the khas of Ko Jhaqo. He says the khaleesi has taken his spoils, a daughter of the lambs who was his to mount.† Khal Drogo's face was still and hard, but his black eyes were curious as they went to Dany. â€Å"Tell me the truth of this, moon of my life,† he commanded in Dothraki. Dany told him what she had done, in his own tongue so the khal would understand her better, her words simple and direct. When she was done, Drogo was frowning. â€Å"This is the way of war. These women are our slaves now, to do with as we please.† â€Å"It pleases me to hold them safe,† Dany said, wondering if she had dared too much. â€Å"If your warriors would mount these women, let them take them gently and keep them for wives. Give them places in the khalasar and let them bear you sons.† Qotho was ever the cruelest of the bloodriders. It was he who laughed. â€Å"Does the horse breed with the sheep?† Something in his tone reminded her of Viserys. Dany turned on him angrily. â€Å"The dragon feeds on horse and sheep alike.† Khal Drogo smiled. â€Å"See how fierce she grows!† he said. â€Å"It is my son inside her, the stallion who mounts the world, filling her with his fire. Ride slowly, Qotho . . . if the mother does not burn you where you sit, the son will trample you into the mud. And you, Mago, hold your tongue and find another lamb to mount. These belong to my khaleesi.† He started to reach out a hand to Daenerys, but as he lifted his arm Drogo grimaced in sudden pain and turned his head. Dany could almost feel his agony. The wounds were worse than Ser Jorah had led her to believe. â€Å"Where are the healers?† she demanded. The khalasar had two sorts: barren women and eunuch slaves. The herbwomen dealt in potions and spells, the eunuchs in knife, needle, and fire. â€Å"Why do they not attend the khal?† â€Å"The khal sent the hairless men away, Khaleesi,† old Cohollo assured her. Dany saw the bloodrider had taken a wound himself; a deep gash in his left shoulder. â€Å"Many riders are hurt,† Khal Drogo said stubbornly. â€Å"Let them be healed first. This arrow is no more than the bite of a fly, this little cut only a new scar to boast of to my son.† Dany could see the muscles in his chest where the skin had been cut away. A trickle of blood ran from the arrow that pierced his arm. â€Å"It is not for Khal Drogo to wait,† she proclaimed. â€Å"Jhogo, seek out these eunuchs and bring them here at once.† â€Å"Silver Lady,† a woman's voice said behind her, â€Å"I can help the Great Rider with his hurts.† Dany turned her head. The speaker was one of the slaves she had claimed, the heavy, flat-nosed woman who had blessed her. â€Å"The khal needs no help from women who lie with sheep,† barked Qotho. â€Å"Aggo, cut out her tongue.† Aggo grabbed her hair and pressed a knife to her throat. Dany lifted a hand. â€Å"No. She is mine. Let her speak.† Aggo looked from her to Qotho. He lowered his knife. â€Å"I meant no wrong, fierce riders.† The woman spoke Dothraki well. The robes she wore had once been the lightest and finest of woolens, rich with embroidery, but now they were mud-caked and bloody and ripped. She clutched the torn cloth of her bodice to her heavy breasts. â€Å"I have some small skill in the healing arts.† â€Å"Who are you?† Dany asked her. â€Å"I am named Mirri Maz Duur. I am godswife of this temple.† â€Å"Maegi,† grunted Haggo, fingering his arakh. His look was dark. Dany remembered the word from a terrifying story that Jhiqui had told her one night by the cookfire. A maegi was a woman who lay with demons and practiced the blackest of sorceries, a vile thing, evil and soulless, who came to men in the dark of night and sucked life and strength from their bodies. â€Å"I am a healer,† Mirri Maz Duur said. â€Å"A healer of sheeps,† sneered Qotho. â€Å"Blood of my blood, I say kill this maegi and wait for the hairless men.† Dany ignored the bloodrider's outburst. This old, homely, thickbodied woman did not look like a maegi to her. â€Å"Where did you learn your healing, Mirri Maz Duur?† â€Å"My mother was godswife before me, and taught me all the songs and spells most pleasing to the Great Shepherd, and how to make the sacred smokes and ointments from leaf and root and berry. When I was younger and more fair, I went in caravan to Asshai by the Shadow, to learn from their mages. Ships from many lands come to Asshai, so I lingered long to study the healing ways of distant peoples. A moonsinger of the Jogos Nhai gifted me with her birthing songs, a woman of your own riding people taught me the magics of grass and corn and horse, and a maester from the Sunset Lands opened a body for me and showed me all the secrets that hide beneath the skin.† Ser Jorah Mormont spoke up. â€Å"A maester?† â€Å"Marwyn, he named himself,† the woman replied in the Common Tongue. â€Å"From the sea. Beyond the sea. The Seven Lands, he said. Sunset Lands. Where men are iron and dragons rule. He taught me this speech.† â€Å"A maester in Asshai,† Ser Jorah mused. â€Å"Tell me, Godswife, what did this Marwyn wear about his neck?† â€Å"A chain so tight it was like to choke him, Iron Lord, with links of many metals.† The knight looked at Dany. â€Å"Only a man trained in the Citadel of Oldtown wears such a chain,† he said, â€Å"and such men do know much of healing.† â€Å"Why should you want to help my khal?† â€Å"All men are one flock, or so we are taught,† replied Mirri Maz Duur. â€Å"The Great Shepherd sent me to earth to heal his lambs, wherever I might find them.† Qotho gave her a stinging slap. â€Å"We are no sheep, maegi.† â€Å"Stop it,† Dany said angrily. â€Å"She is mine. I will not have her harmed.† Khal Drogo grunted. â€Å"The arrow must come out, Qotho.† â€Å"Yes, Great Rider,† Mirri Maz Duur answered, touching her bruised face. â€Å"And your breast must be washed and sewn, lest the wound fester.† â€Å"Do it, then,† Khal Drogo commanded. â€Å"Great Rider,† the woman said, â€Å"my tools and potions are inside the god's house, where the healing powers are strongest.† â€Å"I will carry you, blood of my blood,† Haggo offered. Khal Drogo waved him away. â€Å"I need no man's help,† he said, in a voice proud and hard. He stood, unaided, towering over them all. A fresh wave of blood ran down his breast, from where Ogo's arakh had cut off his nipple. Dany moved quickly to his side. â€Å"I am no man,† she whispered, â€Å"so you may lean on me.† Drogo put a huge hand on her shoulder. She took some of his weight as they walked toward the great mud temple. The three bloodriders followed. Dany commanded Ser Jorah and the warriors of her khas to guard the entrance and make certain no one set the building afire while they were still inside. They passed through a series of anterooms, into the high central chamber under the onion. Faint light shone down through hidden windows above. A few torches burnt smokily from sconces on the walls. Sheepskins were scattered across the mud floor. â€Å"There,† Mirri Maz Duur said, pointing to the altar, a massive blue-veined stone carved with images of shepherds and their flocks. Khal Drogo lay upon it. The old woman threw a handful of dried leaves onto a brazier, filling the chamber with fragrant smoke. â€Å"Best if you wait outside,† she told the rest of them. â€Å"We are blood of his blood,† Cohollo said. â€Å"Here we wait.† Qotho stepped close to Mirri Maz Duur. â€Å"Know this, wife of the Lamb God. Harm the khal and you suffer the same.† He drew his skinning knife and showed her the blade. â€Å"She will do no harm.† Dany felt she could trust this old, plainfaced woman with her flat nose; she had saved her from the hard hands of her rapers, after all. â€Å"If you must stay, then help,† Mirri told the bloodriders. â€Å"The Great Rider is too strong for me. Hold him still while I draw the arrow from his flesh.† She let the rags of her gown fall to her waist as she opened a carved chest, and busied herself with bottles and boxes, knives and needles. When she was ready, she broke off the barbed arrowhead and pulled out the shaft, chanting in the singsong tongue of the Lhazareen. She heated a flagon of wine to boiling on the brazier, and poured it over his wounds. Khal Drogo cursed her, but he did not move. She bound the arrow wound with a plaster of wet leaves and turned to the gash on his breast, smearing it with a pale green paste before she pulled the flap of skin back in place. The khal ground his teeth together and swallowed a scream. The godswife took out a silver needle and a bobbin of silk thread and began to close the flesh. When she was done she painted the skin with red ointment, covered it with more leaves, and bound the breast in a ragged piece of lambskin. â€Å"You must say the prayers I give you and keep the lambskin in place for ten days and ten nights,† she said. â€Å"There will be fever, and itching, and a great scar when the healing is done.† Khal Drogo sat, bells ringing. â€Å"I sing of my scars, sheep woman.† He flexed his arm and scowled. â€Å"Drink neither wine nor the milk of the poppy,† she cautioned him. â€Å"Pain you will have, but you must keep your body strong to fight the poison spirits.† â€Å"I am khal,† Drogo said. â€Å"I spit on pain and drink what I like. Cohollo, bring my vest.† The older man hastened off. â€Å"Before,† Dany said to the ugly Lhazareen woman, â€Å"I heard you speak of birthing songs . . . â€Å" â€Å"I know every secret of the bloody bed, Silver Lady, nor have I ever lost a babe,† Mirri Maz Duur replied. â€Å"My time is near,† Dany said. â€Å"I would have you attend me when he comes, if you would.† Khal Drogo laughed. â€Å"Moon of my life, you do not ask a slave, you tell her. She will do as you command.† He jumped down from the altar. â€Å"Come, my blood. The stallions call, this place is ashes. It is time to ride.† Haggo followed the khal from the temple, but Qotho lingered long enough to favor Mirri Maz Duur with a stare. â€Å"Remember, maegi, as the khal fares, so shall you.† â€Å"As you say, rider,† the woman answered him, gathering up her jars and bottles. â€Å"The Great Shepherd guards the flock.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Double Standard in Marquez’ Chronicle of a Death Foretold Essay

In Columbian society portrayed in the novel Chronicles of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Marquez, there is a significant double standard regarding gender roles. They live in a world where women have to adhere to extreme societal and cultural expectations. Men are encouraged to be experienced in the bedroom for their wedding night but if a woman is not a virgin, she is deemed unfit to marry. Women cannot move up in the social world if they are not married. They are taught to cook and clean and if they wish to move up in class they must marry a man of higher social standards. Women are taught when they are brought up that â€Å"love can be learned† (page 35) and that they must marry whoever impresses their family while men can choose whoever they want. If Angela does not follow these rules she will be an outcast from society and will never have the hopes of moving up in class. When she doesn’t adhere to the image of a â€Å"perfect women† Santiago Nasar is killed in the name of her honour. The result of these double standards leads directly to the death of Santiago Nasar in Chronicles of A Death Foretold. The idea that for women, love is something that can be taught and they are â€Å"brought up to suffer† while men can choose whomever they would like especially if they charm their family is a significant unjust double standard that results in the death of Santiago Nasar. Santiago was murdered for supposedly taking Angela’s virginity. This was cause for his death because not being a virgin deemed you unfit to be married and soiled or impure, she was garbage if she wasn’t a virgin. When Angela’s future husband found out she wasn’t a virgin he returned her to her family, honour destroyed. Her two brothers took action into their own hands and when Santiago was named as the man who took her virginity he was murdered by the Vicario twins. This is effect of the double standard because Angela did not want to marry Bayardo San Roman but he had charmed his way in by impressing her family. â€Å"Bayardo San Roman hadn’t even tried to court her but had bewitched her family with his charm. † (Page 34). If women had the power to choose who they wanted to marry, as men do, Angela never would have been pressured into marrying Bayardo. She did not love him. â€Å"Angela Vicario only hinted at the inconvenience of a lack of love, but her mother demolished it with a single phrase: Love can be learned too. † (Page 35) If Angela was never going to marry Bayardo he would not have returned her for not being a virgin and she would not have named Santiago as the man who took her virginity and the twins never would have taken the matter into their own hands and committed the murder. If the double standard didn’t exist in their culture Angela would have had the power to say she did not want to marry Bayardo and Santiago would still be alive. Another sexist double standard that exists in the community is the idea that the only way women can make a life for themselves is if they get married. It is impossible for them to move up in class unless they marry a man who has a higher social standing than they do, while men only need to be born into positive circumstances. The perfect woman would be one who could cook, clean and be a mother. She would have to be pure (stay a virgin till her wedding night) and obey what her husband says. Angela says,†The brothers were brought up to be men. The girls were brought up to be married. They knew how to do screen embroidery, sew by machine, weave bone lace, wash and iron, make artificial flowers and fancy candy, and write engagement announcements†¦ my mother thought there were no better-reared daughters. ‘They’re perfect,’ she was frequently heard to say. ‘Any man will be happy with them because they’ve been raised to suffer. (Page 34). The perfect man is one who has experience in the bedroom, looks, money and has fulfilled societal expectations. The stress on women to get married in order to succeed in the society is very strong. If women had the same expectations as men being married would not be as much of an obligation. If they had a chance to succeed on their own finding a man to marry would not be a priority. This double standard leads to Santiago’s death because of the pressure to be the perfect woman in order to get married and advance in life. If there was no such double standard they would have never been married and Santiago would have not been murdered by Angela’s brothers. The final double standard in Chronicles of a Death Foretold the lack of experience women are expected to have in the bedroom versus the amount men are expected to have. In their society women must be pure and have their virginity until the night of their wedding. â€Å"No one would have thought, nor did anyone say, that Angela Vicario wasn’t a virgin. She hadn’t known any previous fiance and she’d grown up along with her sisters under the rigor of a mother of iron. Even when it was less than two months before she would be married, Pura Vicario wouldn’t let her go out alone with Bayardo San Roman to see the house where they were going to live, but she and the blind father accompanied her to watch over her honour. † (Page 37). The idea of the importance of virginity is almost being mocked by Marquez, it is so important to protect her virginity that her blind father must accompany her and â€Å"watch over her† is absurd. Women must have chaperones at all time while men are encouraged to be experienced. The reason Santiago Nasar is killed was to avenge Angela’s honour when she accuses Santiago for taking her virginity after she is deemed unfit to marry by her fiance. If this one sided prejudice did not exist and it was not a necessity for Angela to be a virgin (as it is not necessary for the man to be a virgin) Angela would not have been returned and need her honour to be avenged. The double standard in this novel is clearly unjust and absurd. Women are pressured into being married to people who they do not love in order to move up in the social classes. Instead of being courted, the man impresses the woman’s family and the woman is taught they must learn to love and grow up to suffer. The idea of virginity is extremely one sided as women need to be virgins and men need to be experienced. If any of these double standards regarding sexuality did not exist in their culture Santiago Nasar would not have been murdered.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Industry Life Cycle Essay

It is quite natural that people concerned with environmental issues could worry about the convenience industry. As it operates 24 hours and required high frequency deliveries, it inevitably include in the strong criticism because high frequency delivery is said to cause traffic jams and increase exhaust gas pollution. Even the 24-hour operation mode is criticized by many quarters in light of environmental problems, and even social problems like the increase of crime. To deal with these problems, convenience store takes up with reducing the numbers of deliveries through their effort. It also invests on electricity-saving equipment to be installed at all of its chain stores to save the electricity of electric lights and also the electricity of air-conditioners simultaneously. Industry Life Cycle The nature of corporate strategy will change as industries move along the life cycle. Introduction Phase In 1927, the Southland Ice Company is founded in Oak Cliff, Texas Tote’m stores introduced. At the same time, other types of stores were emerging such as â€Å"midget† stores and â€Å"motorterias† or mobile convenience stores. Sometimes supermarkets had small outlets in rural areas for people. The pattern of the emerging â€Å"convenience† types of stores grew modestly until World War II (although they were not yet called â€Å"convenience stores†). The big factor in all of these operations was fast service. In this phase, industry performed a high price, but profit is low due to investment in new category. Growth Phase At the end of the World War II and the increased ownership of automobiles sparked the rapid growth of the industry in the 1950s. The automobile helped fuel the growth of suburban living. The industry grew rapidly along with this consumer need for convenient shopping. Additional forces continued to drive convenience store growth. As grocery stores became larger and larger, they became less convenient for the customer who was in a hurry. Convenience stores filled in. Also, the increase in the number of working women reduced the amount of time available for shopping. Convenience stores began offering gasoline in US when self-serve became popular. As the industry moves towards growth, competitors are attracted by its potential and enter the market: supermarkets, mom-and-pop grocery stores, specialty food shops, drug and variety stores, vending fast food chains. Step into 1970s, convenience store operators had to cope with price and wage controls, gasoline and merchandise shortages, record inflation and interest rates, and increased competition due to longer hours and increased discounting by supermarkets. Maturity Phase As all the available customers are satisfied by the product, growth slows down and the market becomes mature. In the late 1980s, there was a continued reduction in the opening of new stores and an increase in the investment required for a new store. Industry attention moved to improve operations, margins and cost control. Rapidly changing technology area is providing new challenges and opportunities for the industry. Costs continued to go up with severe competition held back margins; more regulations were imposed, and there was an increased cost of doing business. Store labor costs were increasing due to increases in the minimum wage, more fringe benefits as well as many other factors such as adding service items like gasoline. As the number of convenience stores increased, the average number of households served by an individual store dropped. The higher level of saturation and increased competition led to fewer customers per store; therefore, stores remodeled to attract more customers rather than building new stores. The convenience store industry continued in the maturity phase; but the impact of increased competition, higher energy costs, new store expenses, and higher labor expenses reduced profits as a percentage of sales. Those companies that seek out customer needs and align themselves to serve those needs will be successful in the future. Structural drivers of change Structural drivers of change are forces likely to affect the structure of an industry, sector or market. It will be the combined effect of some of these separate factors that will be so important, rather than the factors separately. (Johnson & Scholes, 1999) 1. Issues of the law’s effectiveness: With the deregulation of many areas such as liquor license, medical supplies, travelling tickets, tours and so on, convenience stores should prepare its entry to deregulation fields. For instance, in expectation of deregulation in the sales of medical supplies, many convenience stores are preparing to entry to this field. It gives more opportunities for industry to attract more customers. 2. Offering new services: Offering new service is also a weapon for convenience stores to face the competition. Industry offers convenient services based on each neighborhood’s individual needs, including automated money orders, copiers, fax and automatic teller machines, long-distance phone cards and lottery tickets, where available. Not only does this service contribute to the increase in sales figures, but it also attracts many customers resulting in incidental shopping as well. For example, 7-Eleven in Japan sell rice and this contributes in particular to capturing the housewife bracket as a new customer type. This customer group had previously seldom shopped in the convenience store. Offering goods and services related closely to daily life enables a store to expand the base of its customers. Penetration of different industry: Competition becomes aggressive because the penetration of different industry. In the convenience retailing area, supermarket establishes their 24 hour store in some place. Convenience stores sell drug in order to attract more customer from drug store. Global players are getting into the game. Discount department stores are moving into grocery store categories. The convergence of retail competition will intensify competitive pressures and renew downward pressure on prices and margins.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Fire protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Fire protection - Essay Example Presently about 95% percent of the fires in Europe are caused directly or indirectly by human activities and behavior. Negligence in private, industrial and public sector contributes significantly to incidence of fire. European Forest Institute (22) observes that among all fires with known causes; 51 percent are started intentionally, 44 percent results from negligence or accident while only 5 percent had been caused by natural causes such as lighting. However, the European Forest Institute (22) notes that there are variations across countries with negligence and accidental causes accounting for between 10 to 98 percent of all fires. These figures statistics clearly demonstrates the contribution that negligence in causing fires and therefore effective fire protection in safety management must include strategies for dealing with negligence. Negligence is described in common law as failure to exercise reasonable care that a cautious would exercise in a given situation. Yonder et al (221) explains that strict liability demands that a burner must compensate the victim for any damages incurred regardless of the amount precaution exercised when starting or managing the fire. They note that four states have imposed strict liability rule for fires including Connecticut, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Oklahoma. Moreover, they observe that twenty two states have implemented negligence rule in their statutory codes. Five of this states place the burden of proof on the burners by holding that fire escaped due to negligence. In contrast, sixteen states expect the plaintiff to prove negligence of the burner. In addition, eleven states view uncontrolled fires as nuisance and the land owners have the responsibility of paying public agencies the cost of fire suppression as noted by (Yonder et al 227). To ensure fire protection in industrial facilities that may arise from negligence, zoning laws

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Planning Group Policy Software Deployments Assignment

Planning Group Policy Software Deployments - Assignment Example And as the systems advance, so do their working limits. 1. Efficient Installation of Software Using Each Phase of System Development Life Cycle A software installation for the security of Intellectual property is an uphill task in lieu of the complexities associated with the installation phase. System administrators are normally expected to be literate about the software and know what they are doing and thus most often no restrictions are imposed even by the most protected systems during software installs. To perform new software installations for several hundred users at a Californian firm as a junior network administrator, the problems and ambiguities faced during the installation phase cannot be over looked as they can stream in to extra costs. The threats imposed by the installation can be governed if certain strategies are employed at execution phase which includes assurance of no interference between the processing of un trusted/new software and existing packages, restriction o n the execution of new/un trusted software’s access to the operations other than that of the sand box and new/ un trusted software should be easily uninstall able if the need persists (Sun, Sekar, Liang, Venkatakrishnan, 2009 (Bender RBT Inc., 2003) (Eric Chien, 2005) (Ke Min Gu, 2009) (Russ Johnson, 2000) (Abbas Rajabifard, Ali Monsourian and Ian Williamson, 2004)). For the efficient installation of software at controlled costs and keeping in view the above requirements of maintaining a control on installation phase, System Development Life cycle (SDLC) has to be incorporated. It finally is a solution introduced by software engineering that has been evolved from the understanding of improvement needed in the development process of creating system. It basically is an abstract model that describes the stages involved in project management as it paves the methodology right from the beginning of suitability operations to the overhauling of complete performance. It is based upon the objectives of ensuring the delivery of high quality systems, strong management and control systems for projects and capitalizes on the system staff for productivity and efficient yield (Bender RBT Inc., 2003). It comes with guidance and instructions for how to install it, staying in line with its objectives of system security. It offers a very user friendly installation that can be of great help for the junior network administrator as it has the ability to support many different kinds and scopes of systems and projects, providing support to the incorporation of technical activities, providing support and coordination for all of the management activities and being user friendly and highly useable. In general, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has seven phases. As a Californian firm Administrator, I can incorporate them for the safe and low cost working of my systems. 1. Conceptual Planning: It is the first step to guarantee end state solutions for user’s requirements. I t assesses the expected cost and risks, project feasibility, needs for the enhancement of the system and different project planning advances s are discussed. Two major parties designated during this phase of SDLC are System Support Agent (SSA) and System Development Agent (SDA) which are updated through the system’s cycle. 2. Planning and Requirements Definitions: After the Californian firm’s Information Technology administrator has assessed the feasibility of the project

Duke Ellington Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Duke Ellington - Essay Example Ellington never restricted his career goals and continuously tried to invent new platforms to demonstrate his skills and abilities. Undoubtedly, the aspiration to achieve more and more heights greatly aided him to be a great person while changing the musical notions of the American society. Ellington’s never ending desire for success has greatly inspired me. 2. Ellington has influenced other musicians and non-musicians around the world. Scholars suggest that many people have been influenced by Ellington directly whereas he also inspired many others indirectly. His works like ‘Jack the Bear’, ‘Cotton Tail’ and ‘Ko-ko’ has had profound influence on jazz composition and performance practices (‘About Duke Ellington’). Ellington has a great influence over musicians in these modern days too. Charlie Barnet, Dave Brubeck, Lacy Gibson, Sammy Price, Goree Carter, and Jimmy Rushing are well known artists influenced by Duke Ellington. His contributions to jazz and American music are just beyond words. He wrote over thousands of songs among which more than hundred became great success. Inspired by Ellington’s enormous contribution to American music, many people entered this field and played a significant role in promoting jazz music. It was also identified that he could motivate many Black people who were considered socially less valuable during his time. 3.Two things that happened at the Cotton Club in New York City while Ellington was appearing there enhanced his musical growth and popularity. First, Ellington got an unexpected opportunity to perform in the Cotton Club for a major occasion. In 1927, the famous musician King Oliver refused a regular booking for jazz performance at the Cotton Club. As a result, the band organizers invited Ellington. The radio broadcast of this performance tremendously increased the popularity of Ellington and helped him achieve the appreciation of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American Presidents, Religious Cultural Heritage, and Nuclear Weapons Dissertation

American Presidents, Religious Cultural Heritage, and Nuclear Weapons Decisions - Dissertation Example In 1945, nuclear bomb was dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and it showed the extent of the devastation and death, which resulted from the use of nuclear bomb. Through it, people became aware of the magnitude of destruction because of the nuclear bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In turn, these events ushered a new phase in war and military armaments –nuclear warfare and nuclear weapons. It changed the manner in which international relationship among countries was conducted and it altered the view of international politics as the international community adapted to the reality of the threat of nuclear war. In this context, the necessity of understanding the threat of nuclear weapons and nuclear war falls not only from the perspective of politics, but also from the view of religion. Since, religion plays an important role in the shaping and defining of the values and beliefs of the society and then individual. However, this research will focus on the effect of religion pertinen t to nuclear decision-making of some Presidents of the United States. Although war has long been part of human story, WW II is different from all other wars noted in history. It is not because technology is adopted in the development of war armaments. In fact, technological innovations are applied in war regardless of the period. For instance, this shows that idea of applying technology in war is not a distinguishing attribute of WW II. Rather what distinguishes it from other wars in history is the reality of nuclear atomic bomb. The determination of the potential of nuclear atomic bomb and the first nuclear atomic bomb was established by the Manhattan Project at a cost of $2 billion. This project was known only to a few people and the intention was to build an atomic bomb. The scientists under the direction of Robert Oppenheimer were in a race against the Nazis who they thought were also building atomic bombs.6 When it was first tested and was exploded in the desert of Alamogordo, New Mexico on July 16, 1945, it was described as â€Å"flashing with t he brightness of several suns at Midday† 7 The nuclear atomic bomb was first used during WWII. It was dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to stop the Japanese onslaught in Asia. 8 On August 6, 1945, the U.S. B-29 Superfortress Enola gay dropped

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Does islam permite acting in film and theatre Essay - 1

Does islam permite acting in film and theatre - Essay Example Acting is generally forbidden in Islam but is allowed for certain constructive purposes provided certain conditions are followed. The issue of acting being allowed or forbidden in Islam is a topic of great controversy among the scholars and interpreters of Islam. However there is complete consensus among all the various scholars about the type of acting which involves obscenity, interaction between men and women and other evil actions. All the scholars unanimously agree on the prohibition of this type of acting in Islam. There is no dispute among the Islamic scholars as far as this kind of acting is concerned (Al-Munajjid 2009). The prohibition of this type of acting is clear from the saying of Sheikh Abu Bakr Zayed (may Allah preserve him) to the effect that chivalry (behaving properly and decently) happens to be an objective of sharee’ah, plus whatever undermines that makes a person unsuitable for giving statement in court. Islamic teachings stress upon lofty characteristics and prohibit base and low characteristics. And as far as acting is concerned, actors are mostly seen by the viewers as performing ridiculous activities and moving and talking in a ridiculous way. They are yet seen as feigning madness. Thus it is proven beyond doubt that acting is among those things that seriously undermine chivalry. This further leads to the fact that acting is among those things which make a person unsuitable for giving testimony in the court of law. Such a thing cannot be approved of by Sharee’ah in any way. Now let us consider the type of acting about which there exists a controversy among the scholars of Islam. Some forbid it completely while others allow it within certain guidelines of Sharee’ah. This controversial type of acting is one that involves two or more than two persons performing before a group, through actions and dialogue, with a purpose to teach the group about Islamic principles and injunctions, or

Monday, September 23, 2019

Role of Entrepreneurs in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Role of Entrepreneurs in Organizations - Essay Example An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and mobilizes resources-people, money, skills, ideas and market to create something that did not exist before and which is feasibility profitable.( Academy of engineering, 1978).An entrepreneur according to Drucker(1985) is someone who perceives and exploits opportunities. This implies that an entrepreneurship is a process of creating new and valuable things which includes ideas and converting into a usable product that satisfy a need (Hisrich and Peter, 1985). The increasing importance of entrepreneurship accentuates why small ventures are growing at a faster rate than larger organizations. A similar survey indicates that over the last decade, small ventures created more jobs than the larger which instead, continues to lose jobs (Drucker, 1985). Furthermore, the changes in the business environment such as harsh global as well as the local competition, sudden and unexpected alteration of demand, the rapid acceleration of technological develop ment and increase in risks. Innovation and creativity have become essential for survival, growth and profitability in today’s business world as evidenced in the leadership styles, product and market development strategic moves and innovations and immense creativity. Another feature of that has changed the face of entrepreneurs in an organization is the growing networking. This network can be characterized by increasing market forces, co-operation between firms, collaboration for research and development, subcontracting, outsourcing and strategic alliances that have leapfrogged firm’s profitability and ironed further the roles that entrepreneurship performs in organizations. As no firm can really operate on its own, each depends on the other for survival in the competitive world. Question two There are various types of entrepreneurs. The scope of entrepreneurs is determined by the nature of the business venture, the ‘real’ objective of starting up the busin ess. First, there is a business entrepreneur. This is entrepreneurs who conceptualize of a business idea, start and manage the business. In business arena, they generate noble ideas, exchange goods and services with tailoring all the marketing and brand building to attract and increase the sales volume of their products. They manufacture and innovates new and unique products and services which satisfy the customers’ needs by alleviating the prevailing problems. For instance, Sir Branson of UK serves as an imperative example. Business entrepreneur plans, organize, develop and manages corporate affairs with immense creativity and skill that champion their corporate firms into profitable ventures. For instance, former General Electric long-serving CEO, Jack Welch who stirred the firm into greater heights in performance. Second, there are technology-based entrepreneurs endowed with skill and high technical knowledge in technology. The technical entrepreneur poses high skills in p roduct crafts and focuses mainly on the product design and development so as to supply the market with sophisticated products. The non-technical entrepreneurs focus on the non-technical aspects such as marketing, distributions and pricing strategies to promote the sales of the product while the professional entrepreneurs are the one who creates new technology or an idea and sells to others in form patents and other copyrights. Third, there are motivational based entrepreneurs. First, pure motivational entrepreneur create jobs for other rather than seeking a job for himself. They pose a high desire to create a new venture or an idea that will create jobs and improve the living standards for others. Others in this category include ,induced entrepreneurs who are encouraged by the government to invest in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hilton Hotels Corporation Marketing Analysis Essay Example for Free

Hilton Hotels Corporation Marketing Analysis Essay The marketing issues addressed here are focused on how to draw more consumers from other gambling casinos, and how to make Hilton a resort destination. Two-thirds of Hiltons total operating earnings in the early 1990s were derived from the four casinos they owned in Las Vegas, Nevada. Expanding on this idea will ensure the hotel chain firmly plants its feet in the entertainment and resort business (Hilton Case Study). By investing massive amounts of revenue into developing their gaming division, the Hilton will become a destination resort that would encompass of all the guests needs to keep them interested staying within the confines of the resort. Some considerations include how Hilton would get its market share of the billions of dollars in casino revenues. The percentage of gambling versus side attractions will influence the profit margins, depending on how much focus is placed on each area. The hotel chain can also strive to increase its overall occupancy rate of seventy percent while continuing to set the industry benchmark (Hilton Case Study). In researching how to improve marketing to attract customers, we must first look at where the Hilton stands today. Second, we must analyze what has worked in the past and see if we can apply past practices into the current market. Third, we shall look at how the competitors are more effective by looking at their gaming plans, marketing structure, customers spending habits and dollar/cost value based on guest surveys. Hilton entered the gaming market as an attempt to compete with the other big hotels for the gambling dollar. Investments in renovation and expansion caused Hilton to over- extend. Although the investments were needed to compete, the hotel chain felt it needed to lure big money to its locations, and extend credit more than usual. Heavy hitters receive this same courtesy from other hotels, but this puts a strain on the operating cash flow, as chasing bad credit costs money, and slows up cash flow. Gaming revenue was already down, which was attributable in part to renovation and more so to extended credit that had been difficult to reclaim. In todays market, families are a prime target. Big beautiful hotels are  catering to families all along the Las Vegas strip. Gambling is still the main focus, but todays gambler is more inclined to visit the Casino Resort, a place that the kids can stay, have a good time and be entertained. Meanwhile, the parents can drop next months mortgage money at the casino. This type of package appeals to the whole family. As far as quality of service, no one does it better than Hilton, because they create an environment that the customer, family or non-family guests will remember and to which they will want to return. The focus on entertainment is important, but Las Vegas is still sin-city. Three point six billion dollars have been spent in packaging entertainment; focus on the family is important, but a balance of adult-only and child-friendly entertainment is required. Gambling is the central purpose for casinos to exist. Continue to market the standard tables of chance, card tables, slot machines, and lavish floor shows, with headliners people recognize, and the main source of revenue will continue to flow. Have shopping, kids activities, and outdoor recreation available, but not as the focus of why travelers should visit, and that will provide entertainment for the rest of the family. Hilton should pull back the extended credit. By doing so, they may lose a few customers, but the resulting loss of risk will increase bottom-line profit. By changing the focus to families, the customers that discontinue patronizing the hotel for credit line reasons are not the desired target anymore. The chain should pay more attention to the middle-market segment, conventions, and sporting events such as youth tournaments and professional venues. In volume, the more people that move through the doors, the more money there is to be made. With this said, room rates must stay within the $100.00 a night rate with weekend promotions of Thursday through Sunday at a lower rate; perhaps 25% to 35% lower. This would be a novel concept, as the industry generally promotes lower room rates Monday through Thursday. The food and beverage structure should remain the same, as it has proven to be more than adequate and very popular. The increase in competition can be dealt with through better values in room rates, childrens activities, slot machines that pay off more frequently and the most important aspect of the business, service. Hilton could offer something that the other hotels do not: ensuring the employee responses to each customers needs are met with enthusiasm and expedience. People are paying for an experience along with the opportunity to break the house; give them what they are looking for. Word of mouth is far more powerful than any media advertisement. Hilton has entered the gaming industry. Gaming must focus on gambling and hotel must focus on hotel amenities and service. It would be the hotels responsibility to insure the entertainment, promotions and accommodations were settled; leaving the gaming operations to generate gaming interest. Advertising would be a joint effort, but casino operations would focus on the age 21 and older market. The two operations would report to the Chief Executive Officer and his staffs to ensure all objectives are met. It would be the CEO and staffs responsibility to ensure both lines were working hand-in-hand, while maintaining separate operations. The purpose for this suggestion is to keep revenues separate so one function does not bear the full brunt of any losses that may occur. The casino will always show a bigger profit than the hotel, but by having separate bottom lines, profit and losses are easier to control. The hotel/casino is one business, but must have two different mindsets as the casino and hotel does, and will operate much differently. Situational AnalysisThe U.S. based Hilton Hotels Corporation is a multi-billion dollar corporation and a leading brand in the hotel and gaming industry. Conrad Hilton started the company in 1919 with his first hotel purchase. Since then the company has grown to over 2,000 hotels globally, with several brand name acquisitions, including Ballys, Hampton Inn, Doubletree Suites and Homewood Inn. Besides standard hotel service, the Hilton Corporation runs casinos, vacation ownership businesses and luxury hotels, like the Conrad Line. The Hilton Hotels Corporation earned in excess  of $3.8 billion in fiscal year 2003 (Datamonitor, p. 4). External FactorsAccording to the Datamonitor report, the Marriott and Hyatt Corporations are the Hilton Hotel Corporations biggest competitors. Las Vegas is a gaming town, thus every hotel is expected to have gambling casinos within. The Las Vegas Hilton website shows that they also provide live entertainment, including comics and headline musical acts, as well as hosting a million-dollar Blackjack tournament. These factors, along with the attractive room packages and gambling activities, should be enough to maintain the occupancy rate and keep the gambling action constant. According to its website, the Las Vegas Marriott is a hotel with 278 rooms. The Hyatt franchise is located 17 miles away from the Las Vegas strip on Lake Las Vegas, but is a resort, casino and spa. While the Hyatt is a luxury hotel chain, the Marriott is a corporation more in line with Hilton. The Marriott made over $9 billion in fiscal year 2003; more than three times the Hilton Hotel Corporation (Marriott Datamonitor report). To contend with a company of this magnitude is not an easy job for any of their competitors. Hilton Hotels Corporation is an enormous company as mentioned above; so sizable that they had to split the corporation into six main divisions, totaling approximately 100,000 employees worldwide. Hilton Hotels Corporation has been very successful since they were established in 1946. Their diversification profile is significant and ambitious; no matter where you go, there are Hilton hotels there. In addition, Hilton Corporation has been leading in customer service and efficient staffing by utilizing a call center to help them maintain their reputation for hospitality. Hilton Reservations Worldwide handles reservations and information requests for thousands of hotel properties, under their various brands, positioning the company on the top of: †¢ Accurate intraday forecasts†¢ Reduced management costs†¢ Excellent customer service †¢ An edge over the competitionA companys strength does not solely lie in the size of the company but in the management of the company, the employees and their commitment to their customers. Hiltons management promoted brand relevancy within minority markets. Their sales team strategic initiatives are to target the multicultural market. In relation to their employees, Hiltons are some of the finest. They are trained to do their jobs with care and make sure the customers are comfortable and happy. The customer personal profile allows the Hilton employees to treat each customer as a unique and special individual. WeaknessEvery company has weaknesses; Hilton Hotels weakness lied in its inability to recover quickly from the attacks on America in 2001. Although Hilton Hotels is a large company in many locations across the country, they had to reduce their manpower due to the decline in business. Matthew J. Hart (president and CEO) said; we have had a lot of job losses about 2,500 full-time equivalent jobs out of a worldwide workforce of 100,000. But we have no plans for any more, unless business gets worse (Finch, 2001, p.1). The September 11th attacks left the whole nation in awe, in grief, and for many New Yorkers, jobless. The attacks left the airline and hotel industry to recover from lost sales. Another weakness the hotel industry is facing is the evident decline in supply. The below chart shows how the demand to occupy the Hilton hotels has been a declining behavior during the last years:A closer examination of the demand cycle for economy hotels during the past several years reveals a pattern that is not consistent with other hotels. The rate of demand growth in this segment began declining during mid-2000, about nine months before a similar effect was felt industry-wide. In addition, as the industrys demand recovery has begun to accelerate the rate of demand growth, the economy segment has plateaud. Of even more concern is that the number of rooms currently being purchased in this segment is still declining when compared to previous-years levels. (Look Smart Articles, 2004, p.1)OpportunitiesAs mentioned earlier, Hilton Hotels Corporation is known worldwide; with this notoriety their reputation will carry them to expand their hotel empire even further. Their opportunity lies in the growing international market. The company is expecting 4-5% fee growth in 2004 within; new management contracts in Austin, Houston, Omaha and Conrad Miami. The company market overview reveals that recent trends in major markets are:†¢ Strong in New York, D.C., Hawaii†¢ Stable in New Orleans, Boston†¢ Weak in San Francisco, ChicagoThere will always be a demand for hotels and resorts. Currently, Hilton Hotels are working on more room availability; 80% of rooms have been renovated within last five years, and they are expanding into new markets. They also have Best Rates. Guaranteed, Internet easy access with a success rate of utilization from the customers:†¢ 13% of all reservations†¢ 85% through proprietary websites†¢ Self-service kiosksThis kind of service assists in making the experience convenient for the customer. Along with the convenience, Hilton Corporation and their six divisions take pride in making every building fee l like home and ensuring the customer is satisfied and pleased with their accommodations (Hilton Hotels Corporation, 2003, s.3-5). ThreatsA few of the threats for The Hilton are competition, and a declining economy. The competition for The Hilton is not only other hotel companies, but restaurants and other service centers as well. Marriott is the main competitor of The Hilton amongst other hospitality companies. Because Hilton is so grand and reputable, they have more room for error, which also makes them vulnerable. As time passes, the Hilton Hotels continue to strive for excellence and perfection. They make each new hotel or resort better than the last. Because of the continuous growth of this company, it has dealt  with its competition head on (Nairn, 2001, p.3). The second threat is the economic decline of this century. Since the September 11th attacks in New York City, the American economy has been declining in all service industry areas. There was an ominous fear of flying and for quite some time, many people chose not to travel for vacations or long-distance business trips. This reaction to the events of 2001 hurt the hospitality industry, and made difficult rebuilding what they lost in revenue. Fortunately, this trend has started to change and the industry will soon recover from their losses. This is an area that still needs close monitoring from the executives of the corporation. References Datamonitor Hilton Hotels Company Overview August 2004. Datamonitor Marriott International Inc. Overview August 2004. Finch, J. (2001, November 16). Hilton reports impact of September 11. Retrieved October 26, 2004, Hilton Hotels Corporation. (1998, Fall 1998). Corporate History. Retrieved October 26, 2004, Http://;jsessionid=FGTDSXUCGXCGSCSGBIX222QKIYFCXUUCHilton Case Study. Retrieved October 23, 2004. Hilton Hotels Corporation (2003, July). Hilton: Great Brands and a Balanced Business Model (presentation). Retrieved October 26, 2004, Smart Articles (2004, January 14). Economy segment lags industry in key performance measures Trends Stats. Retrieved October 26, 2004,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Developing a Brain Computer Interface

Developing a Brain Computer Interface A Seminar Report On â€Å"Brain Computer Interface† Submitted by: Name: Sachin Kumar Roll No: 1214310301 ABSTRACT Brain Computer Interface allows users to communicate with each others by using only brain activities without using any peripheral nerves and muscles of human body. On BCI research the Electroencephalogram (EEG) is used for recording the electrical activity along the scalp. EEG is used to measure the voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain. Hans Berger a German neuroscientist, in 1924 discovered the electrical activity of human brain by using EEG. Hans Berger was the first one who recorded an Alpha Wave from a human brain. In 1970, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of USA initiated the program to explore brain communication using EEG. The papers published after this research also mark the first appearance of the expression brain–computer interface in scientific literature. The field of BCI research and development has since focused primarily on neuroprosthetics applications that aim at restoring damaged hearing, sight and movement. Nowadays BCI research is going on in a full swing using non-invasive neural imaginary technique mostly the EEG. The future research on BCI will be dependent mostly in nanotechnology. Research on BCI is radically increased over the last decade. From the last decade the maximum information transfer rates of BCI was 5-25 bits/min but at present BCI’s maximum data transfer rate is 84.7bits/min. 2.INTRODUCTION Brain-computer interface (BCI) is alliance between a brain and a device that enables signals from the brain to direct some external activities, such as control of a cursoror a prosthetic limb. The Brain computing interface enables a direct communications pathway between the brain and the object to be controlled. For example, the signal is transmitted directly from the brain to the mechanism directing the cursor moves, rather than taking the normal ways through the bodys neuromuscular system from the brain to the finger on a mouse then directing the curser. BCIs Research began in the 1970s at the University of California Los Angeles(UCLA) under an allowance from the   National Science Foundation, followed by a contract fromDARPA. Thanks to the remarkable cortical plasticity of the brain, signals from implanted prostheses can, after adaptation, be handled by the brain like natural sensor or effector channels. Animal experimentation for years, the first neuroprosthetic devices implanted in humans appeared in the mid-1990s. Current brain computing interface devices require calculated conscious thought; some future applications, such as prosthetic control, are likely to work without difficulty. Development of electrode devices and/or surgical methods that are minimally invasive is one of the biggest challenges in developing BCI technology . Though Brain Computer Interface (BCI) facilitates direct communication between brain and computer or another device so nowadays it is widely used to enhance the possibility of communication for people with severe neuromuscular disorders, spinal cord injury. Except the medical applications BCI is also used for multimedia applications, which becomes possible by decoding information directly from the user’s brain, as reflected in electroencephalographic (EEG)signals which are recorded non-invasively from user’s scalp. 3.LITERATURE REVIEW Current Trends in Graz Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) Research Pfurtscheller, C. Neuper, C. Guger, W. Harkam, H. Ramoser, Schlà ¶gl, B. Obermaier, and M. Pregenzer The â€Å"Graz Brain–Computer Interface† (BCI) project is aimed at developing a technical system that can support communication possibilities for patients with severe neuromuscular disabilities, who are in particular need of gaining reliable control via non-muscular devices. This BCI system uses oscillatory electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, recorded during specific mental activity, as input and provides a control option by its output. The obtained output signals are presently evaluated for different purposes, such as cursor control, selection of letters or words, or control of prosthesis. Between 1991 and 2000, the Graz BCI project moved through various stages of prototypes. In the first years, mainly EEG patterns during willful limb movement were used for classification of single EEG trials. In these experiments, a cursor was moved e.g. to the left, right or downwards, depending on planning of left hand, right hand or foot movement. Extensive off-line analyses have shown that classification accuracy improved, when the input features, such as electrode positions and frequency bands, were optimized in each subject. Apart from studies in healthy volunteers, BCI experiments were also performed in patients, e.g., with an amputated upper limb. The main parts of any BCI system are: Signal acquisition system: involves the electrodes, which pick up the electrical activity of the brain and the amplifier and analog filters. The feature extractor: converts the brain signals into relevant feature components. At first, the EEG raw signals are filtered by a digital band pass filter. Then, the amplitude samples are squared to obtain the power samples. The power samples are averaged for all trials. Finally, the signal is smoothed by averaging over time samples. The feature translator: classifies the feature components into logical controls. The control interface: converts the logical controls into semantic controls. The device controller: changes the semantic controls to physical device commands, which differ from one device to another depending on the application. Finally, the device commands are executed by the device. The early work of BCI was done by  invasive  methods with electrodes inserted into the brain tissue to read the signals of a single neuron. Although the spatio-temporal resolution was high and the results were highly accurate, there were complications in the long term. These were mostly attributable to the scar tissue formation, which leads to a gradual weakening of the signal and even complete signal loss within months because of the brain tissue reaction towards the foreign objects. A proof of concept experiment was done by Nicolelis and Chapin on monkeys to control a robotic arm in real time using the invasive method. Recently, less invasive methods have been used by applying an array of electrodes in the subdural space over the cortex to record the Electrocorticogram (ECoG) signals. It has been found that ordinary Electroencephalogram pickup signals are averaged over several EEG signal bands (Hz) square inches, whereas ECoG electrodes can measure the electrical activity of brain cells over a much smaller area, thereby providing much higher spatial resolution and a higher signal to noise ratio because of the thinner barrier tissue between the electrodes and the brain cells. The superior ability to record the gamma band signals of the brain tissue is another important advantage of this type of BCI system. Gamma rhythms (30-200 Hz) are produced by cells with higher oscillations, which are not easy to record by ordinary EEGs. The human skull is a thick filter, which blurs the EEG signals, especially the higher frequency bands (i.e. gamma band). Noninvasive  techniques were demonstrated mostly by electroencephalographs (EEG). Others used functional Hz, Magneto-Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Positron Electron Tomography (PET), Magneto encephalography (MEG) and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography There (SPECT). EEGs have the advantage of higher temporal resolution, reaching a few milliseconds and are relatively low cost. Recent EEG systems have better spatiotemporal resolution of up to 256 electrodes over the total area of the scalp. Nevertheless, it cannot record from the deep parts of the brain. This is the main reason why the multimillion dollar fMRI systems are still the preferred method for the functional study of the brain. However, EEG systems are still the best candidate for BCI systems spatial as they are easy to use, portable and cheap. The main problems that reduce the reliability and accuracy of BCI and which prevent this technology from being clinically useful, are the sensory interfacing problems and the translation algorithm problems. In order to make a clinically useful BCI the accuracy of the detection of intention needs to be very high and certainly much higher than the currently achieved accuracy with different types of BCI. The intermediate compromise between accuracy and safety is the ECoG based BCI, which has shown considerable promise. The sensory arrays of electrodes are less invasive and provide comparable accuracy and high spatial resolution compared to the implanted type. The ECoG based BCI needs much less training than the EEG based BCI and researchers have shown that highly accurate and fast response. 4.TECHNICAL DETAILS REASON BEHIND WORKING: The reason a BCI works at all is because of the way our brains function. Our brains are filled with  neurons, individual nerve cells connected to one another by dendrites and axons. Every time we think, move, feel or remember something, our neurons are at work. That work is carried out by small electric signals that zip from neuron to neuron as fast as 250 mph. The signals are generated by differences in electric potential carried by ions on the membrane of each neuron. Although the paths the signals take are insulated by something called myelin, some of the electric signal escapes. Scientists can detect those signals, interpret what they mean and use them to direct a device of some kind. It can also work the other way around. For example, researchers could figure out what signals are sent to the brain by the optic nerve when someone sees the color red. They could rig a camera that would send those exact signals into someones brain whenever the camera saw red, allowing a blind person to see without eyes. BCI INPUT AND OUTPUT: One of the biggest challenges facing brain-computer interface researchers today is the basic mechanics of the interface itself. The easiest and least invasive method is a set of electrodes a device known as an  electroencephalograph(EEG) attached to the scalp. The electrodes can read brain signals. However, the skull blocks a lot of the electrical signal, and it distorts what does get through. To get a higher-resolution signal, scientists can implant electrodes directly into the gray matter of the brain itself, or on the surface of the brain, beneath the skull. This allows for much more direct reception of electric signals and allows electrode placement in the specific area of the brain where the appropriate signals are generated. This approach has many problems, however. It requires invasive surgery to implant the electrodes, and devices left in the brain long-term tend to cause the formation of scar tissue in the gray matter. This scar tissue ultimately blocks signals. Regardless of the location of the electrodes, the basic mechanism is the same: The electrodes measure minute differences in the voltage between neurons. The signal is then amplified and filtered. In current BCI systems, it is then interpreted by a computer program, although you might be familiar with older analogue encephalographs, which displayed the signals via pens that automatically wrote out the patterns on a continuous sheet of paper. In the case of a sensory input BCI, the function happens in reverse. A computer converts a signal, such as one from a video camera, into the voltages necessary to trigger neurons. The signals are sent to an implant in the proper area of the brain, and if everything works correctly, the neurons fire and the subject receive a visual image corresponding to what the camera sees. SENSORY INPUT: The most common and oldest way to use a BCI is a cochlear implant. For the average person, sound waves enter the ear and pass through several tiny organs that eventually pass the vibrations on to the auditory nerves in the form of electric signals. If the mechanism of the ear is severely damaged, that person will be unable to hear anything. However, the auditory nerves may be functioning perfectly well. They just arent receiving any signals. A cochlear implant bypasses the non functioning part of the ear, processes the sound waves into electric signals and passes them via electrodes right to the auditory nerves. The result: A previously deaf person can now hear. He might not hear perfectly, but it allows him to understand conversations. The processing of visual information by the brain is much more complex than that of audio information, so artificial eye development isnt as advanced. Still, the principle is the same. Electrodes are implanted in or near the visual cortex, the area of the brain that processes visual information from the retinas. A pair of glasses holding small cameras is connected to a computer and, in turn, to the implants. After a training period similar to the one used for remote thought-controlled movement, the subject can see. Again, the vision isnt perfect, but refinements in technology have improved it tremendously since it was first attempted in the 1970s. Jens Naumann was the recipient of a second-generation implant. He was completely blind, but now he can navigate New York Citys subways by himself and even drive a car around a parking lot. In terms of science fiction becoming reality, this process gets very close. The terminals that connect the camera glasses to the electrodes in Naumanns b rain are similar to those used to connect the VISOR (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ) worn by blind engineering officer Geordi La Forge in the Star Trek: The Next Generation TVshow and films, and theyre both essentially the same technology. However, Naumann isnt able to see invisible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Applications: Applications of BCI are described as follows: Neurogaming: Currently, there is a new field of gaming called Neurogaming, which uses non-invasive BCI in order to improve gameplay so that users can interact with a console without the use of a traditional controller. Some Neurogaming software use a players brain waves, heart rate, expressions, pupil dilation, and even emotions to complete tasks or effect the mood of the game. For example, game developers at Emotiv have created non-invasive BCI that will determine the mood of a player and adjust music or scenery accordingly. This gaming experience will introduce a real-time experience in gaming and will introduce the ability to control a video game by thought. Prosthesis control: Non-invasive BCIs have also been applied to enable brain-control of prosthetic upper and lower extremity devices in people with paralysis. For example, Gert Pfurtscheller of Graz University of Technology and colleagues demonstrated a BCI-controlled functional electrical stimulation system to restore upper extremity movements in a person with tetraplegia due to spinal cord injury. Between 2012 and 2013, researchers at the University of California, Irvine demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to use BCI technology to restore brain-controlled walking after spinal cord injury. Synthetic telepathy/silent communication: In a $6.3 million Army initiative to invent devices for telepathic communication, Gerwin Schalk, underwritten in a $2.2 million grant, found that it is possible to use ECoG signals to discriminate the vowels and consonants embedded in spoken and in imagined words. The results shed light on the distinct mechanisms associated with production of vowels and consonants, and could provide the basis for brain-based communication using imagined speech. On February 27, 2013Duke University researchers successfully connected the brains of two rats with electronic interfaces that allowed them to directly share information, in the first-ever direct brain-to-brain interface. MEG and MRI: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have both been used successfully as non-invasive BCIs. In a widely reported experiment, fMRI allowed two users being scanned to play Pongin real-time by altering their haemodynamic response or brain blood flow through biofeedback techniques. fMRI measurements of haemodynamic responses in real time have also been used to control robot arms with a seven second delay between thought and movement. Neural Internet: Access to the internet opens a myriad of opportunities for those with severe disabilities, including shopping, entertainment, education, and possibly even employment. Neural control users cannot control a cursor with a great degree of precision, so, therefore, the challenge of adapting a web browser for neural control is in making links—which are spatially organized—accessible. The University of Tuebingen developed a web browser controller to be used with their thought translation device, but it requires the user to select from an alphabetized list of links, causing problems if the link names are identical. They have developed a neurally controlled web browser that serializes the spatial internet interface and allows logical control of a web application. BrainTrainer—Subject Training: The BrainTrainer project researches the most effective ways of teaching a person the brain-signal control needed to interact with a device. The BrainTrainer toolset allows researchers to compose trials by providing simple tasks, such as targeting, navigation, selection, and timing, that can be combined to produce an appropriate-level task for a particular subject.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Songs in the Key of Stevie Wonder’s Life Essay -- Biography

At the young age of twenty two, Stevie Wonder sang, â€Å"When you believe in the things you don’t understand / Then you suffer / Superstition ain’t the way†. He started his career in the early 1960s, but in 1972, Superstition established Stevie Wonder as one of the most recognizable musicians of his time in American and African-American culture and music. Although music was Wonder’s main priority, he also dedicated his time to a fight against racism throughout national and international borders. Musically, socially, and politically, Stevie Wonder was able to bring people together with his music and words. From the time of his birth to the present day, Stevie wonder sang his way into our hearts and remains one of the most influential people within African-American history. Steveland Hardaway Judkins was born on May 13, 1950 in Saginaw, Michigan to Calvin Judkins and Lula Mae Hardaway. As his current musical career was groundbreaking, his family life was not so perfect. The relationship between Calvin and Lula Mae was difficult and abusive; even before Stevie was born, Calvin was drunk, domestically violent with Lula and forced her into prostitution to support the family and Calvin (Ribowsky 10). After Stevie’s birth, Calvin’s mannerism did not change and simply regressed. However, Calvin agreed to move to Detroit with Lula, Stevie, and his two elder siblings to Detroit to work on the relationship and family dynamic (Ribowsky 18). Calvin and Lula’s relationship later terminated with a divorce and a name change for Stevie, as his birth name was changed to Steveland Hardaway Morris. As the third child out of six, he was the only one to be born blind. Wonder was blind shortly after his premature birth from staying in an incubator for... ...r and a legal separation of race does not mean it is acceptable (Jet). Through his actions across the United States and South Africa showed the world how to be open to African-American culture and people. Stevie Wonder also sings â€Å"Broke the lookin’ glass / Seven years of bad luck / Good Things in your past† in his 1972 hit Superstition. However, Stevie Wonder did not come across any bad luck within his musical and political career. Both an inductee for Rock-and-Roll’s Hall of Fame and United Nations’ Messenger of Peace, Stevie Wonder brought insight to the minds of the public. Sixty years later, on March 1, 2011, Berry Gordy, Stevie Wonder, and other Motown singers came together once again at the White House to honor Motown music and its beloved singers; this came a celebration of the soulful music that Stevie Wonder and among others once and continue to sing.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Personal Communication Equipment (PCE) Expansion To The U.K. - Politic :: essays research papers

This document will address two questions: The first is whether the political organization of the United Kingdom is similar enough to the United States that Americans would adapt and work comfortably there, and secondly, if the United Kingdom has a history of political stability (how long), and is likely to continue for at least 10 years in the future. The answers to these questions will be used to determine marketing potential for the introduction of personal computing products to include a network infrastructure, manufacturing facility, and a personnel staff of 250 employees. Preliminary U.K. information indicates the following: * 186 Personal computers * 503 Telephone lines * 612 Televisions * 1433 Radios These indicate a good market share for potential customer base. ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parliamentary Democracy with 2 party system  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  High Adult literacy (99%)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rising annual growth rate of GNP since 1995  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Major Language is English  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adequate ship and air commerce facilities These address stable political and economic presence, and will require further study to determine future stability in ten years. The initial information above made the United Kingdom a choice candidate for this research. The detailed answers to the 2 main questions are addressed in this report. Question A: Is the political organization of the United Kingdom similar enough to the United States that Americans would adapt and work comfortably there? The United Kingdom is a Parliamentary Democracy based on a two-chamber system. The House of Lords (the upper House) and the House of Commons (the lower house) sit separately and are constituted on different principles. The legislative process involves both Houses, with the House of Commons being the legislative branch, and House of Lords revising legislation and keeping a check on Government by scrutinizing its activities. Parliament has a maximum duration of five years, and at any time up to the end of this period, a general election can be held for a new House of Commons. The Executive power is that of Prime Minister who is the leader of the party that wins the most seats at a General Election. The Prime Minister has powers to appoint judges such as the Lord Chancellor , create Life Peers and make appointments to senior positions in the Church of England. There is also a Constitutional Monarchy, which for the most part is symbolic as a result of the â€Å"Bloodless Revolution of 1688 . There are currently three political parties in the United Kingdom. Of these three, the Labour and Conservative are the major parties, while the Liberal Democrats (center party) are a minor party.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Josh Hamilton the Baseball Player Essay -- biographies bio biography

â€Å"I'll never forget Opening Day in Cincinnati. When they called my name during introductions and a sellout crowd stood and cheered, I looked into the stands and saw Katie and our two kids, Sierra who's nearly 2, and my 6-year-old stepdaughter, Julia, and my parents and Katie's parents. I had to swallow hard to keep from breaking down right there. They were all crying, but I had to at least try to keep it together†(Tim Keown). This is a reaction that nearly passed by All-Star outfielder Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers. Josh Hamilton grew up knowing and loving only two things in his life, his family and baseball. With a steady head throughout high school Hamilton earned success on the baseball diamond. Attaining such honors as being named Baseball America’s High School Player of the Year, USA Baseball’s Amateur Player of the Year, and twice chosen as North Carolinas Gatorade High School Player of the Year (Josh Hamilton). "I guess not going No. 1 wouldn't have totally destroyed me, but there's prestige going No. 1, and I'm certainly happy to be No. 1.† Said Hamilton after being drafted number one overall on June 2, 1999 in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft (My Josh!). Things would soon become more daunting for the young 18 year old. After a Spring Training game in 2000 Hamilton and his parents were involved in an automobile accident. His parents departed for Raleigh soon after to recover, yet Hamilton was left alone to rehab on his own. â€Å"I'd been the Devil Rays' No. 1 pick in the 1999 draft, supposedly a five-tool prospect. I was a big, strong man, and I was supposed to be able to handle my problems myself† (Tim Keown). Imagine having to stay away from the one thing that brings you enjoyment for an extended amount o... ...>. Hamilton, Josh. "Josh Hamilton - I am second." Interview. 22 Jan. 2009 . Hamilton, Josh. "Josh Hamilton." Interview. 22 Jan. 2009 . "Josh Hamilton Larry King Live." Interview with Larry King. 22 Jan. 2009 . "Josh Hamilton." Player Info. MLB. 22 Jan. 2009 . "My Josh." Sports Illustrated 2 June 1999. 22 Jan. 2009 . Ray, James L. "Josh Hamilton comes back to life." 3 June 2008. 22 Jan. 2009 . Josh Hamilton the Baseball Player Essay -- biographies bio biography â€Å"I'll never forget Opening Day in Cincinnati. When they called my name during introductions and a sellout crowd stood and cheered, I looked into the stands and saw Katie and our two kids, Sierra who's nearly 2, and my 6-year-old stepdaughter, Julia, and my parents and Katie's parents. I had to swallow hard to keep from breaking down right there. They were all crying, but I had to at least try to keep it together†(Tim Keown). This is a reaction that nearly passed by All-Star outfielder Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers. Josh Hamilton grew up knowing and loving only two things in his life, his family and baseball. With a steady head throughout high school Hamilton earned success on the baseball diamond. Attaining such honors as being named Baseball America’s High School Player of the Year, USA Baseball’s Amateur Player of the Year, and twice chosen as North Carolinas Gatorade High School Player of the Year (Josh Hamilton). "I guess not going No. 1 wouldn't have totally destroyed me, but there's prestige going No. 1, and I'm certainly happy to be No. 1.† Said Hamilton after being drafted number one overall on June 2, 1999 in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft (My Josh!). Things would soon become more daunting for the young 18 year old. After a Spring Training game in 2000 Hamilton and his parents were involved in an automobile accident. His parents departed for Raleigh soon after to recover, yet Hamilton was left alone to rehab on his own. â€Å"I'd been the Devil Rays' No. 1 pick in the 1999 draft, supposedly a five-tool prospect. I was a big, strong man, and I was supposed to be able to handle my problems myself† (Tim Keown). Imagine having to stay away from the one thing that brings you enjoyment for an extended amount o... ...>. Hamilton, Josh. "Josh Hamilton - I am second." Interview. 22 Jan. 2009 . Hamilton, Josh. "Josh Hamilton." Interview. 22 Jan. 2009 . "Josh Hamilton Larry King Live." Interview with Larry King. 22 Jan. 2009 . "Josh Hamilton." Player Info. MLB. 22 Jan. 2009 . "My Josh." Sports Illustrated 2 June 1999. 22 Jan. 2009 . Ray, James L. "Josh Hamilton comes back to life." 3 June 2008. 22 Jan. 2009 .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Common Criticisms in Psychology Paper

The artificiality of inventive conditions in experimental environments is a repeated concern. How real can laboratory-based research be? This paper will explain the criticism of artificiality in the discipline of psychology and apply this criticism to at least three sub disciplines within psychology. This paper will also compare and contrast the breakthrough model of scientific research and the principle of connectivity in explaining events and outcomes; finally ending with comparing and contrasting the concepts of the single cause explanation and the principle of multiple causation in explaining events and outcomes. Criticism of Artificiality Long gone are the days of William Wundt but what remains at the fore front is the expostulation of experimentation from critics that confining psychology to the laboratory spontaneously confines the mental phenomena it can analyze. An appropriate estimation of the artificiality criticism requires distinctively several intentions experimentalists follow. The discipline of psychology’s laboratory studies are seen by some as bizarre. Viewing psychology as an inadequate science by the public stems from belief that evidence cannot be acquired unless natural circumstances are examined (Stanovich, 2007). Social Psychology The college sophomore problem and criticisms of representativeness are most often aimed at social psychology, which makes frequent use of college subjects in laboratory paradigms in an attempt to develop theories of social interaction, group behavior, and information processing in social situations† ( as cited in Stanovich, 2007, page 114). Bio-medical research is correspondent in today’s state of social psychology, and many of times founded on problem searching and very well may be funded on the footing of the problem it intends to alleviate (Krueger, 2003). Popular and political interest plays a role in the search for a particular cure of disease. More over it is the methodical, theory based research of fundamental physiology that deciphers the operations of the human body’s functions as well as how under certain conditions it malfunctions (Fields, 1994; Skalka, 1993). In a correlating style, fundamental, â€Å"theory driven research on social psychological processes† will completely enlighten the distinctive defects and the adaptable successfulness of the social creature (Krueger, 2003). Abnormal Psychology In discussing the artificiality criticism within abnormal psychology, it has been shown that as a laboratory science, it has many times had to deal with solitary and maybe abnormal section of human behavior, more specifically college students; therefore inefficient of considering any ample warmth, richness, and inventiveness of human behavior. More concerns include the kind or representativeness of subjects participating in academic research. A quote taken from William Robinson (2007) sums up the artificiality criticism saying â€Å"If our interpretation of the human mind is based on the behavior of American college sophomores in artificially contrived situations and interpreted in terms of laws derived from domesticated rats and pigeons, then our psychology is truly culture bound† (Robinson, 2007). Organizational Psychology As the field of Organizational psychology has evolved and grown, so has the array of topics and important research questions needing answers. A common systematic approach implemented to start understanding work related psychological issues can be investigated. â€Å"Theory-driven and research-based human resource and organizational improvement efforts can be evaluated using state-of-the-art evaluation science approaches, and evaluation findings can be used to continually improve and institutionalize positive change efforts† ( Donaldson & Bligh, 2006). Connectivity and Convergence When a new theory in science touches upon previously verified empirical facts, this is definitive of the connectivity principle (Stanovich, 2007). Consideration as an advance is contingent upon explaining new facts while accounting for old ones. It makes no difference if the theory explains old facts differently from the earlier theory, just that they are explained. This necessity guarantees the accumulative development of science. Despite a new theory explaining new facts, if there is no explanation for the old ones then there are no considerations of finalized advancement and no immediate replacement of them (Stanovich, 2007). What will occur will be both the old and new theory coexisting as probable ideas until a new theory abdicates them null and void? Leading us astray is the breakthrough model of scientific research by suggesting that new findings violate the principle of connectivity (Stanovich, 2007). This suggestion deems risky because by abandoning the connectivity principle, the primary beneficiaries are purveyors of counterfeit science and incredulous theories. Notorious are headlines that lead off with â€Å"New Breakthrough. † Theories such as these acquire most of their interest and publicity by claims that they are astoundingly new. The next deception is to cast out past information by asserting them impertinent. The reason being given, that such information does not yet exist due to the newness of the theory. This breeds an environment of pseudoscience. Better explained is by the evolutionary theory the ghost of creationism, with its connectivity display of such different areas of science as morphology, biogeography, paleontology and many more. With the universe and earth estimating at around 10 thousand years in age, then many modern sciences of physics, chemistry, astronomy, cosmology, paleontology and beginning human history are entirely abolished (Unspoken Bible, n. . ). Darwin’s theory called pangenesis, abandons the principle of connectivity to illustrate the means heredity correlating with natural selection (Unspoken Bible, n. d. ). Where the problem lies is creationism proving no connectivity among any other things in science like in geology, genetics, ecology, chemistry and biology (Unspoken Bible, n. d. ). The utmost connectivity is proven with all the other sciences by evol ution (Unspoken Bible, n. d. ). Single Cause Explanation and Principle of Multiple Causation Even though a cause of behavior may be determined does not imply the only or most important cause of behavior (Stanovich, 2007). Causal analysis stems from the event explained as extreme, negative or unexpected. Preferences in single cause explanations may happen, such as when not enough time has been made looking for other possibilities, or a lack of cognitive resources. On the other hand, where constraints are lacking consideration in real effort may be given on a multitude of feasible causes for the event in question (Chu & Shaw, 2005). In providing a complete abdication of a specific behavior the weight of many different variables must be studied by the researcher as well as mixing the results of the studies in order to give a thorough snapshot of all the causal associations (Chu & Shaw, 2005). Despite an outcome having numerous different variable determinants this does not minimize the significance of a causally related outcome by one variable, this being the case for variables accounting for a mere percentage of the outcome. In considering multiple causes, explanations are often based on past experiences or intuitive theories (Chu & Shaw, 2005). This resulting in the accepted explanation that is most approachable or believable. Even though individuals understand and credit the existence of multiple causes they many times conduct themselves more along the lines of unitary beliefs (Stanovich, 2007). Complex behaviors are multiply determined. A multitude of factors perform to generate their occurrence. Mitigating a difference in the effect of acting together variables than what can be due easily studying them separately. Don’t fall prey to thinking that there is a single cause to a particular behavior. Conclusion In conclusion this paper has explained events and outcomes through compare and contrasts of both the breakthrough model of scientific research and the principle of connectivity and the concepts of single cause and the principle of multiple causation. A mutual consensus because psychology experiments are not like real life, this should be looked upon as a strength and not a weakness. No lone experiment is conclusive but instead gives leave of some alternative explanations, perpetuating the ability of zeroing in on the truth. References Chu, Y. & Shaw, J. (2005). Causal chaining: Effects of behavioral domain and Outcome valence on perceived causal structure. Retrieved August 10, 2009 from http://www. uiowa. edu/~grpproc/crisp/crisp10_14. pdf Donaldson, S. I. & Bligh, M. C. (2006). Rewarding careers applying positive psychological science to improve quality of work life and organizational effectiveness. In Donaldson, S. , Berger, D. & Pezdek, K. 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